Plumbing Sterling

Kiddco Plumbing Inc

106 Oakgrove Rd #M
Sterling , VA 20166-9409
(703) 435-4441


Kiddco Plumbing Inc can be found at 106 Oakgrove Rd #M . The following is offered: Plumbing - In Sterling there are 17 other Plumbing. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 5 Stars

Jenn wrote on 09-08-2014

Excellent after hours service

I am very pleased with Kiddco's service. They were the ONLY company that actually answered their phone/returned my call promptly for an after hours weekend emergency plumbing situation and they came out to resolve our problem in the middle of the night. There are many companies that advertise 24/7 service but this was the only company that was truly available and willing to help. Kiddco's on call service provider was courteous and efficient in helping us...highly recommended!!


(703)435-4441 (703)-435-4441 +17034354441

Map 106 Oakgrove Rd #M